
The #1 no-go for people with sensitive teeth is ice cream. In fact, one-third of the key target audience says ice cream is just too painful to enjoy. So we hired a molecular gastronomist and a professional chef and invented Coldish, the world´s first luke-warm non-melting ice-cream.

The visual direction combines elements reminiscent of classic ice-cream packaging aesthetics, with Sensodyne’s visual identity. The logo also draws its inspiration from toothpaste.

Lead designer

Awards and press
The One Show – Shortlisted
PR Week Global Awards – Shortlisted 

The #1 no-go for people with sensitive teeth is ice cream. In fact, one-third of the key target audience says ice cream is just too painful to enjoy.

How do we help people with cold discomforts enjoy ice cream: we hired a molecular gastronomist and  a professional chef and invented Coldish.

Coldish is the world´s first lukewarm non-melting ice-cream free from twinges and other cold discomfort free for everyone to enjoy.